N De Mario & Mario exercises compliant licensed distribution alongside quality assurance making certain of our honest supply chain maintaining pharmacovigilance. To sustain our reputation is to uphold values through ethical/legal sourcing of trusted partners that we have formed by consistent interaction and regular documentation checks on both sides.

We have reliant capabilities to distribute our partners cold-chain, ambient, and specialist drugs which guarantees product quality not only building trust with our suppliers but obtaining the confidence and loyalty of consumers.

Our mission to aid through medication distribution allows us to work with clients all over the world forming secure trustworthy connections. We are consistently building these relationships by attending exhibitions, workshops, conferences and conducting audits with new clients to make sure they have the correct storage for the product whilst making sure that the service and business is adequate.

Over the years, we have developed through our multi-lingual international diverse team, experts offering dependable customer service to clients all over the world.


”Transaction procedure always dealt with clarity and transparency, easily accessible.”
             – Pharmadoor

Named Patient Program

Product Registration

Partnership Agreements